Some of the songs for my new upcoming album called Unity
Album Art
Unnamed Rock Song
This song was originally for a government assignment last year, but we ended up not using it, and because I liked it too much I decided to repurpose it. The lyrics are just gibberish because I couldn't figure out what the lyrics would be by then. The plucky-string instruments and the bass are both rubber bands that I sampled, and the electric guitar sound is a synth I made in Vital from scratch.
This song is meant to sound dark and gritty because it represents the fall into depression. "Las Pinturas Negras" were some of the last paintings that the famous painter Francisco De Goya painted, and I was inspired by them, as well as the slow musical progressions of Jon Hopkins for this unfinished piece.
La Cancion Negra
Far Below Zero
Far Below Zero represents the confusion of depression and this track in particular is extremely experimental and has a long way too go before being finished (my goal is to make the darkest tracks in the middle of the album, but become lighter near the end to show my journey to defeating depression).
This is the magnum opus of my album because this song represents the monotony of depression, and then the sudden realization that I am not worthless and I should unify myself again (around the seven minute mark in the song), therefore canceling my previous realization that I don't belong in this world. This song seems cold and dark like the other ones at first, but then becomes light near the end.
The Realization Canceled
Look To The Stars
I want to end the album on this song (that will have lyrics) because it is a message to me and as well as others to not give up on themselves and to keep exploring, even if it means pain.
This is not a part of the Unity album, but I LOVE this remix because of the limitations I had. I had only 3 days to complete this, and I think it is one of my most well-made songs (from a production standpoint) to this day. The challenge was to make a remix of a song called Chroma by Paper Skies in 3 days and using some samples that he provided, and it had to be 2 minutes long or less. There were hundreds of participants, and I didn't end up getting in the top 20, but I am still extremely proud of making this song in the amount of time I had.
Chroma Remix!
Old sound design for school and personal projects
Mauldrith Roar
Here is some sound design that I made a while ago. It is a movie monster sound effect in which I combined many animals into one. These included: a cassowary, spotted hyena, brown hyena, a mystery creature (possibly a lion or a boar), a capuchinbird, kookaburra, and a man laughing.
I had an idea in my head and then made this in two nights. Still needs a lot of work, I will add more drums to the drop and leading up to it. The transition is a huge WIP, and a lot will change in this part. The beginning is a bit slow as well so that will probably be improved. The drop is inspired by a song from ALEPH called: "HELIX" HELIX
This unfinished song was made entirely out of samples from obscure 80s commericals I found on the internet. I wanted to finish this a little while ago but lost motivation to do so. I may pick it up again at some point though.
80s Test
The beginning of this song is composed of samples from Queen's hit song: "Killer Queen", and the rest was inspired by Aphex Twin and early 90's Jungle Drum and Bass. Every synth in the song is a woman's voice from the Ableton audio library.
Every synth in this song is actually my voice. I used a granulator (basically a machine that takes very small chunks of an audio file called grains and plays them in quick sequence) along with drowning it in reverb to make the synths sound light and create this heavenly spacey sound. This song will probably be on my first EP: Open The Door.
Space Song
This is a short preview for my first EP: Open The Door. It only has 3 songs in it but the full release will probably contain 4. These songs were made from when I first got Ableton Live 11 Suite on more of a professional setup, and now I am fully integrated into Ableton. It is my most favorite Software application of all time.
This was my first ever released album I released about a year ago. Most of these songs have not aged well in my opinion, but I still like them. ☺ Some of these songs I still treasure because I remember specific moments that happened in the making of many of them. These are not very well made, but they do hold emotional value for me personally. These songs were all made in FL Studio Mobile.